Be Colorful!


Dead Poets Society -いまを生きる-

"Dead Poets Society" 



今日は、私の大好きな俳優さんの一人、Robin Williams主演の"Dead Poets Society"(邦題:「いまを生きる」)について、私の心を掴んで離さなかったセリフたちをご紹介したいと思います。





作中の彼の役名はJohn Keating。アメリカの伝統や規律を重んじる全寮制男子高校へ卒業生教師として赴任。親や教師の顔色ばかり伺っていたエリート生徒たちが、Keatingの紡ぎ出す言葉や詞で、生き生きとした自分らしさを体得していくさまを描いた名作です。Keatingは、生徒たちにDr.やMr.ではなく"Captain"と呼ばせます。


邦題は「いまを生きる」であり、"Dead Poets Society"というのは、作中で、Mr. Keatingが在籍していた同校同好会の名称であり、英語の題名を訳したものではありません。


"Seize the Day!"「今を生きろ」


これはそもそもラテン語Carpe diemを訳したものです。

“Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary”


私が大好きなシーンは、イーサン・ホーク演じる引っ込み思案のTod Andersonが課題を忘れてくるというもの。彼はうまく詞がかけずに宿題を忘れた中、授業をやり過ごそうとしていた。Keatingは見逃さなかった。自信のない彼にヒントを与えながら、自分の言葉として詩を引き出していくシーンは圧巻。Keatingの指導する詞の素晴らしさというものを、ものすごい熱量で伝えていく。



My favorite scene from Dead Poets Society



Keating: Now, who's next?(自信のない表情のアンダーソンの席の前まで行き)

    Mr. Anderson.  See you sitting there in agony.

    Come on, Todd.   Step up.  Let's put you out of your misery.

Anderson: I ... I didn't do it.  I didn't write a poem.(ものすごく小さな声)

Keating: Mr. Anderson thinks that everything inside of him is worthless and

    embarrassing.  Isn't that right, Todd.  Isn't that your worst fear? 

    I think you're wrong.  I think you have something inside of you that is

    worth a great deal.


    "I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world. WW."

    Uncle Walt, again.  Now, for those of you who don't know, a "yawp" is 

    a loud cry or yell.  Now, Todd, I would like you to give us a demonstration

    of a barbaric yawp. 


    Come on, you can't yawp sitting down. 

    Let's go. Come on. Up.  Now, get in yawping stance.


Anderson: A yawp.(小さな声。)

Keating: No, not just a yawp.  A barbaric yawp.

Anderson: Yawp.(まだ小さい。)

Keating: Come on, louder.

Anderson: Yawp.(嫌だなぁと思いながら、もう少し頑張ってみる。)
Keating: Oh, that's a mouse!  Come on, louder!

Anderson: Yawp.(まだまだ)

Keating:  Oh, good God, boy, yell ---(Andersonに詰め寄るように大きな声で。)

Anderson: YAWP!(つられて大きな声が出る。)
Keating: There it is.  You see, you have a barbarian in you after all. 

    Now, (戻ろうとするAndersonを引止め)you don't get away that easy.

    Picture of Uncle Walt up there.  What does he remind you of?

    Don't think.  Answer.  Go on.

Anderson: Am madman.

Keating: What kind of a madman?  Don't think about it, just answer again.

Anderson: A crazy madman.

Keating: No, you can do better than that.  Free up your mind. 

    Use your imagination.  Say the first thing that pops into your head 

    even if it's total gibberish.  Go on, go on.

Anderson: A sweaty-toothed madman.


Keating: Good God, boy, there's a poet in you after all.  There, close your eyes.
    Close your eyes.  Close them. (Andersonに手で目隠しをしながら)

    Now, describe what you see.

Anderson: Uh I ... I close my eyes...

Keating: Yes.

Anderson: Uh, and this image floats beside me.

Keating: The sweaty-toothed madman...

Anderson: ...the sweaty-toothed madman with a stare that pounds my brain...

Keating: Oh, that's excellent.  Now, give him action. Make him do something.

Anderson: ...h,h, his hands reach out and choke me.
Keatng: That's it.  Wonderful, wonderful.


Anderson: ...and all the time he's mumbling...

Keating: What's he mumbling?

Anderson: ...mumbling the truth, truth like a blanket that always leaves 

    your feet cold...


Keating: Forget them, forget them!(クラスの笑いを気にするなと促す。)

    Stay with the blanket.  Tell me about that blanket.

Anderson: Y...y...yy you push it, stretch it, it'll never be enough.

    You kick at it, beat it, it'll never cover any of us. 

    From the moment we enter crying to the moment we leave dying, 

    it'll just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream.


Keating: (立ち上がって右手でAndersonの頭を抱え)Don't you forget this.






Thank you for reading!

Stay cool and see you next time!



